Northwest Ohio Peace Coalition Archives


Trump pardons Blackwater war criminals

December 22nd 2020 MST

----- Forwarded Message -----*From:* mike ferner <mike.ferner@PROTECTED>*To:* Woody Powell <woodypowell@PROTECTED>*Sent:* Tuesday, December 22, 2020, 8:32:12 PM EST*Subject:* pardonsOne set of Trump pardons released Tuesday could result in significant fallout overseas. Trump effectively wiped out the convictions of four contractors for the former Blackwater Worldwide security firm in connection with a shooting spree in Baghdad’s Nisour Square that left 17 Iraqis dead and 20 wounded.One of the former Blackwat ...Continue Reading

The Great Delusion

December 22nd 2020 MST

I'll try a whole article must destroy the centers of power that lure us and our children—like the Pied Piper of Hamelin—to certain doom.(Original illustration for ScheerPost by Mr. Fish)By Chris HedgesScheerPost.comJoe Biden and the systems managers of the deep state and empire are returning to power. President Donald Trump and his coterie of buffoons, racists, con artists and Christian fascists are sullenly preparing to leave office. U.S. pharmaceu ...Continue Reading

Watch "Biden's Scary Foreign Policy Picks: A Blast From War Crimes Past"

December 20th 2020 MST ...Continue Reading

A typographical error for the ages

December 20th 2020 MST

too wonderful ...Continue Reading


December 20th 2020 MST

test att

December 19th 2020 MST

Fwd: article

December 19th 2020 MST

---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Jeff Klein* <jeff.warrenproffitt@PROTECTED>Date: Sat, Dec 19, 2020 at 8:53 AMSubject: articleTo: <peacelist@PROTECTED> ...Continue Reading


December 17th 2020 MST

Try an attachment ...Continue Reading

Re: this is a test

December 17th 2020 MST

Quoting "Jeff Klein jeff.warrenproffitt@PROTECTED [Northwest Ohio Peace Coalition]" peacelist@PROTECTED:From: mailto:jeff.warrenproffitt@PROTECTED of the nwopc peacelistYes[*]Post: mailto:peacelist@PROTECTED [*]Manage Your Subscription:[*]Unsubscribe ...Continue Reading


December 17th 2020 MST

Quoting "Jeff Klein jeff.warrenproffitt@PROTECTED [Northwest Ohio Peace Coalition]" peacelist@PROTECTED:From: mailto:jeff.warrenproffitt@PROTECTED test123--[*]Post: mailto:peacelist@PROTECTED [*]Manage Your Subscription:[*]Unsubscribe ...Continue Reading
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