January 7th 2021 MST
I wonder if prosecutors will be hanging complicity to murder or manslaughter counts on some of the warriors arrested on Wednesday. Loss of USCP Officer Brian D. SicknickLoss of USCP Officer Brian D. SicknickAt approximately 9:30 p.m. this evening (January 7, 2021), United States Capitol Police Officer Brian D. Sicknic... ...Continue Reading
January 6th 2021 MST
----- Forwarded Message -----*From:* David Sirota <sirota@PROTECTED>*To:* "tjlodge50@PROTECTED" <tjlodge50@PROTECTED>*Sent:* Wednesday, January 6, 2021, 7:46:24 PM EST*Subject:* The Insurrection Was PredictableToday’s events were the expression of a dangerous authoritarian movement that has been long in the making.   ...Continue Reading
January 6th 2021 MST
The Latest Photos As Pro-Trump Rioters Breach U.S. CapitolWith encouragement from President Donald Trump, supporters made their way into the building. ...Continue Reading
January 1st 2021 MST
https://responsiblestatecraft.org/2020/12/31/more-clues-indicate-iran-attack-may-be-next-in-trumps-farewell-bag-of-surprises/?mc_cid=46c3a2117d&mc_eid=2a2c24e450/*Iran attack may be next in Trump’s farewell bag of tricks *//**/ December 31, 2020 Written byTrita Parsi No one thought President Donald Trump would leave quietly. But would he go so far as to start a military confrontation with Iran on his way out? Recent military movements by the Pentagon in the Middle East (ostensibly to deter Iran from attacking Amer ...Continue Reading
December 26th 2020 MST
Opinion | Shot In the Head: What Kind of Boundless Evil Is This, America? ...Continue Reading
December 25th 2020 MST
Do you think Joe will restore any of the damage fat boy did? Or will he use it and even expand on parts the way Obama did following Bush's "quantum" leap. It seems to be a little dance they do where a republican comes in like a bull in a china shop destroying as much as we the people allow then a democrat comes in and refines and normalizes the damage. The biggest failing is with the people rolling over and -- for lack of a better word -- accepting the abuse as if it's a done deal. Joe won't undo anything. His ...Continue Reading
December 24th 2020 MST
Caitlin at times gets things completely wrong. 320,000 dead from the negligent homicide deliberate indifference to the pandemic -- or perhaps deliberately allowing it to spread as a genocidal act? Wholesale dismantling of agencies? The treaties he shredded were thin protections against the possibility of thermonuclear war. No one will ever blame me for going easy on the Dems, but Fat Boy is a protofascist. Yes, Obama deported more, but Obama didn't out and out imprison people for attempting to cross the border, a ...Continue Reading
December 24th 2020 MST
Mostly trueI will send out invitations during the week between the two holidays. It seems to be functioning ok. I just want to tweek the privacy policy etc.http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/56083.htm*Everyone Was Wrong About Trump* *By Caitlin Johnstone*December 23, 2020 "Information Clearing House" - After weeks of speculation and desperate hopes that Donald Trump might be preparing to pardon NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden and/or WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange before leaving office on January ...Continue Reading
December 23rd 2020 MST
The Austrian writer Stefan Zweig, who with a handful of other writers and artists desperately tried to warn of the suicidal folly of World War I, wrote of what he called “the mental superiority of the defeated.” His anti-war play Jeremiah, based on the Biblical prophet Jeremiah who issued warnings in vain, illustrated that those who face reality, however bitter, are able to endure and rise above it.“Awaken, doomed city, that thou mayest save thyself,” the prophet cries out in Zweig’s play. “Awaken from your heavy s ...Continue Reading
December 23rd 2020 MST
Chris Hedges: The Great Delusion December 22, 2020https://consortiumnews.com/2020/12/22/chris-hedges-the-great-delusion/We must destroy the centers of power that lure us and our children—like the Pied Piper of Hamelin—to certain doom.(Original illustration for ScheerPost by Mr. Fish)By Chris HedgesScheerPost.comJoe Biden and the systems managers of the deep state and empire are returning to power. President Donald Trump and his coterie of buffoons, racists, con artists and Christian fascists are sullenly preparing to le ...Continue Reading
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