Northwest Ohio Peace Coalition Archives


Sr. Dianna Ortiz, Presente

February 28th 2021 MST

----- Forwarded Message -----*From:* SOA Watch <info@PROTECTED>*To:* "tjlodge50@PROTECTED" <tjlodge50@PROTECTED>*Sent:* Sunday, February 28, 2021, 9:06:09 AM EST*Subject:* Sr. Dianna Ortiz, PresenteSister Dianna Ortiz, Presente! SOA Watch mourns the death of Sister Dianna Ortiz, OSU, who passed away on February 19th. We give thanks for her life and remarkable witness for peace and justice, to end torture, and to hold the U.S. government accountable. Her spirit, strength, compassion, and courage tou ...Continue Reading

His Lights Stayed on During Texas’ Storm. Now He Owes $16,752

February 21st 2021 MST

  In Texas, the mind-blowing bill comes due. From today's New York Times./*His Lights Stayed on During Texas’ Storm. Now He Owes $16,752.*/After a public outcry from people like Scott Willoughby, whose exorbitant electric bill is soon due, Gov. Greg Abbott said lawmakers should ensure Texans “do not get stuck with skyrocketing energy bills” caused by the storm.By Giulia McDonnell Nieto del Rio, Nicholas Bogel-Burroughs and Ivan Penn    Feb. 20, 2021SAN ANTONIO — As millions of Texans shivered in dark ...Continue Reading

Mike Luckovich bats it out of the park

February 19th 2021 MST

Able Archer War Scare “Potentially Disastrous”

February 17th 2021 MST

When we all just about lost everything in 1983 to an inadvertent hair-trigger situation with the Soviet Union.----- Forwarded Message -----*From:* National Security Archive <nsarchiv@PROTECTED>*To:* Terry Lodge <tjlodge50@PROTECTED>*Sent:* Wednesday, February 17, 2021, 7:54:29 PM EST*Subject:* Able Archer War Scare “Potentially Disastrous”Signals intelligence showed Soviet 4th Air Army alert “included preparations for immediate use of nuclear weapons” in response to NATO exercise. Key “End of Tour Repor ...Continue Reading

8th Circuit crushes Arkansas anti-BDS law

February 12th 2021 MST ...Continue Reading

You! Git off the boat!

February 8th 2021 MST

Randy Rainbow demolishes Marjorie Taylor Greene

February 6th 2021 MST

"She makes Michelle Bachman/Look like Maya Angelou. . . ." ...Continue Reading

Two troubling Biden foreign policy matters

February 1st 2021 MST

AIPAC demands NBC retract report on NSC aide who’s a big donor to lobby group– and NBC complies! – MondoweissUS secretary of state says at current rate Tehran is months away from being able to produce material for weapon,... ...Continue Reading

1st Biden foreign policy double cross coming right up

January 25th 2021 MST

  US building several bases in Saudi Arabia deliberately within Iran's ballistic missile range.  This coincides with stepped up Saudi bombings and strafings in Yemen. Sound like a US disengagement with Prince Bonesaw over Yemen to you?    Blinken finkin', new fascist Secy of State with better manners than Pompeous Fatuous, has verbalized his approval of moving the US embassy to Jerusalem under Trump. Israelis are howling that they will not tolerate restoration of JCPOA. Blinken stinkin' is saying the ...Continue Reading

Jimmy Kimmel's hilarious goodbye to Trump

January 21st 2021 MST ...Continue Reading
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