Northwest Ohio Peace Coalition Archives


Brazil Abetted Overthrow of Allende in Chile

March 31st 2021 MST

----- Forwarded Message -----*From:* National Security Archive <nsarchiv@PROTECTED>*To:* Terry Lodge <tjlodge50@PROTECTED>*Sent:* Wednesday, March 31, 2021, 10:16:40 AM EDT*Subject:* Brazil Abetted Overthrow of Allende in ChileOn 57th anniversary of military coup in Brazil, the National Security Archive Posts Declassified Documentation on Brazilian Regime's Effort to Subvert Democracy and Support Dictatorship in Chile. New Book Reveals Brazilian Intervention to Undermine Allende, Bolster Pinochet ‌ ...Continue Reading

Demand for Environmental Impact Statement, American Centrifuge Plant, Piketon, OH

March 30th 2021 MST

Dear Ms. Trefethen:Please acknowledge receipt of, and respond to, my attached letter. Thank you.Terry Lodge, Esq.(419) 205-7084 ...Continue Reading

GUARDIAN (opinion) The US military is poisoning communities across the US with toxic chemicals

March 28th 2021 MST

Some of the PFAS chemicals can't even be incinerated, so strong are the carbon/flourine bonds. This is a huge environmental justice/public poisoning issue, largely being carried on in obscurity if not out-and-out secrecy. <>The US military is poisoning communities across the US with toxic chemicalsDavid BondThe Department of Defense has ordered the burning of 20m pounds of AFFF – despite risks to human health  < ...Continue Reading

Hugh C. Thompson Stopped My Lai Massacre on March 16, 1968

March 15th 2021 MST

As many as 500 Vietnamese civilians were slaughtered at My Lai.My Lai, a cowardly slaughtering-field of Empire.Lucifer’s shock troops were Bloodily blitzkreiging platoons of innocents Attacking legions of cripples Enfilading squads of unarmed mothers Capturing in the salient of such American valor Beggared, newly-orphaned children.Whom they smashed against walls.Hugh Clowers Thompson Jr.Hugh Clowers Thompson Jr. in 1966BornApril 15, 1943Atlanta, Georgia, United StatesDiedJanuary 6, 2006 (aged 62)Pineville, Lou ...Continue Reading

Is Israel's KKK going to be part of its next government?

March 12th 2021 MST

----- Forwarded Message -----*From:* Jonathan Cook Admin <no-reply@PROTECTED>*To:* "tjlodge50@PROTECTED" <tjlodge50@PROTECTED>*Sent:* Friday, March 12, 2021, 5:32:42 AM EST*Subject:* Jonathan Cook's website has a new postJONATHAN COOK WEBSITE12 March 2021Open this email in your web browserIsrael’s KKK on the way to government? An electoral pact overseen by Benjamin Netanyahu means Israel's version of the Ku Klux Klan is almost certain to enter the Israeli parliament on March 23 - and could even end ...Continue Reading

Fw: Webinar this Sunday! US Exceptionalism: Its Story in Nicaragua and Beyond

March 12th 2021 MST

----- Forwarded Message -----*From:* Alliance for Global Justice <info@PROTECTED>*To:* Terry Lodge <tjlodge50@PROTECTED>*Sent:* Friday, March 12, 2021, 9:51:57 AM EST*Subject:* Webinar this Sunday! US Exceptionalism: Its Story in Nicaragua and Beyond“US American Exceptionalism” is a concept promoting the United States as the Shining City on the Hill. The first among nations. The example all other states should follow.  This webinar will address the notion of US exceptionalism, with special but not exclu ...Continue Reading

Two Zoom Events Tomorrow, Commemorating the Fukushima nuclear catastrophe + 10 years and Environmental Justice

March 10th 2021 MST

  Friends, tomorrow, March 11, is the 10th anniversary of the Fukushima nuclear power disaster, which is frontrunner for the longest and largest industrial catastrophe in global history (ok, excluding mountaintop removal and strip mining, deforestation, anything the Corps of Engineers has ever done, Agent Orange spraying, nuclear weapons tests, etc. etc.). The Fukushima accident will not be deemed concluded until all errant nuclear fuel in the cores of the three melted-down reactors is contained, and that is predic ...Continue Reading

When they busted J. Edgar Hoover over COINTELPRO

March 8th 2021 MST

  Deep essential history, young(er) friends; Hoover, who was a disgusting, racist fascist, died a year later in disgrace. ...Continue Reading

Fw: Upcoming Webinar - US Exceptionalism: Its Story in Nicaragua and Beyond

March 7th 2021 MST

----- Forwarded Message -----*From:* Alliance for Global Justice <info@PROTECTED>*To:* Terry Lodge <tjlodge50@PROTECTED>*Sent:* Sunday, March 7, 2021, 5:33:27 PM EST*Subject:* Upcoming Webinar - US Exceptionalism: Its Story in Nicaragua and Beyond“US American Exceptionalism” is a concept promoting the United States as the Shining City on the Hill. The first among nations. The example all other states should follow.  This webinar will address the notion of US exceptionalism, with special but not exclusiv ...Continue Reading

Mark Fiore - "best frienenemies forever"

March 4th 2021 MST

*Mark Fiore - Best Frienemies Forever* ...Continue Reading
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