Helping Guantanamo survivors rebuild their lives

From: "Josie Setzler josiesetzler@PROTECTED [Northwest Ohio Peace Coalition]" <peacelist@PROTECTED>
Date: March 3rd 2025

Dear NWOPC friends,
Several friends from Witness Against Torture and No More Guantanamos have joined together to develop the Guantanamo Survivors Fund to help detainees released from Guantanamo restart their lives against enormous odds (and with no help from the US who so brutally imprisoned and tortured them). 

Many Guantanamo survivors must borrow to pay their rent or feed their families, unable to work because of stigma and disabilities acquired in Guantanamo. Give generously to the Guantanamo Survivors Fund, which provides them with small grants to help rebuild their lives. 

You may donate at 

Thanks for considering this appeal,

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