Dear Khani - “This is lunacy.” That’s what Jeremy Konyndyk, President of Refugees International, and a former USAID official said about Trump’s order to put a global freeze on lifesaving U.S. foreign aid. Konyndyk goes on to say “This will kill people, I mean, if implemented as written in that cable …. a lot of people will die.”[1] Khani, this is a massive, historic story that is getting too little attention in the mainstream media. You and I have to ring the alarm bell and tell our members of Congress that their constituents are upset about this and demand they take action. Can you write today and ask your members of Congress to speak out about this and use all their powers to press the administration to reverse this draconian decision? As one of the world’s wealthiest nations, U.S. funds make many critical global programs possible. While the freeze exempts food shipment programs, many other critical humanitarian programs will go without resources. In fact, layoffs of aid workers are already beginning around the world. For example, while some actual food will get through to starving Sudan, the other services needed to deal with that famine – clean water programs, cholera treatment, critical health services – will lose funding. The slogan “the cruelty is the point” always comes to my mind at moments like this. Underlining that fact, the Trump White House put roughly 60 career foreign service workers on leave for trying to soften the blows of this decision.[2] But that’s just one example. Other victims of Trump’s freeze include critical global HIV/AIDS programs, pandemic prevention programs as we face a global bird flu threat, and programs for the refugees and displaced victims of current wars. For Peace Action, programs like these are peace embodied. Peace is not just the absence of conflict but a form of global cooperation that reaches out and serves and protects those in need. Ultimately, peace is global justice and true human security. Trump is attacking the initiatives that point humanity in that direction. Only Congress can stop Trump. Ask your members of Congress to pressure the administration to reverse this decision, which can cost so many lives. One cynical aspect of this decision is that Trump is throwing red meat to his base. He’s promoting the false “America First” trope that U.S. taxpayers are spending a large portion of their taxes on foreign aid. It’s the foreign policy version of Reagan’s “welfare queens.” Right-wing media outlets have been trumpeting that lie for years. In fact, polls show that Americans think that the U.S. spends 25% of the budget on foreign aid. The reality is that a mere 1-2% of the budget is spent on aid. But the worst, most cynical part? Trump spared a significant portion of “foreign aid” by exempting Israel and Egypt's military financing from the order. Israel, a well-off country, is the largest historic cumulative recipient of U.S. aid dollars. Almost all of that is money for weapons. Egypt, another chronic violator of human rights, will also continue to receive military assistance. Warfare is sacrosanct, and healthcare is not so much. The machinery of death is placed over human lives. Khani, please contact your members of Congress and urge them to oppose this madness.
Thank you for your activism and your persistence, Jon Rainwater Executive Director Peace Action Sources: [1] ”US issues broad freeze on foreign aid after Trump orders review”, Humeyra Pamuk, Reuters, Jan. 24, 2025 [2] Trump administration targets dozens of senior USAID staff after aid freeze, Daphne Tsaladakis, Reuters, Jan 27, 2025 |