Imagine if on one day people on all continents and in all countries turned out to rally against and demand the closure of all military bases.
Don't just imagine it!
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The Earth is coated in military bases, spreading like a pandemic: foriegn ones, domestic ones, famous ones, secret ones — part of a growing and disastrous global increase in spending on wars and preparations for wars that makes wars more, not less, likely. And prime targets in wars are bases and anything near them.
Bases are many of the worst environmental disaster sites, polluting air, soil, and water, and generating horrific noise pollution.
Foreign bases are often mini-apartheid states with second-class status for locals and criminal immunity for militaries — a situation that can often be traced back to stolen land and other injustices.
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Through public pressure, bases have been closed, plans for bases have been blocked, and bases have been converted to other purposes, superior environmentally, economically, and in terms of achieving peace.
On February 23 people will be protesting bases with nonviolent actions around the world: rallies, vigils, peace festivals, protests, lobby visits, demonstrations, flyering at gates, teach-ins, and celebrations where bases have been prevented or closed and converted into something useful.
Find an event near you or see how easy it is to create one at
Some of the many organizations involved are:
We held two planning Zoom calls last week and you can watch the videos.
— World BEYOND War
World BEYOND War is a global network of volunteers, chapters, and affiliated organizations advocating for the abolition of the institution of war.
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