i'm bcc'ing a number of people who go to nwopc actions, but i don't know them all by any means, so please forward this as you see fit.
july 13 and 14 (sat. and sun.) there'll be an air show at toledo express, featuring a variety of military aircraft and vehicles. these events are highly expensive recruiting tools and ways to make u.s. society more militaristic, if that is possible.
are you interested in picketing this event?
if so, please respond asap and indicate whether you are available saturday 8 am or sunday 8 am, or both.
if about a dozen people respond i think that will be a minimally respectable presence. i'll keep track and let you know.
thank you for considering this opportunity to speak to the public.
Check one or both:
Saturday July 13, 8:00am
Sunday, July 14, 8:00 am
fyi: the ohio air national guard unit at the airport flies f-16s, which consume roughly 45 gal/minute of fuel and cost about $8,000/hr. to operate.
Flags are bits of colored cloth that governments use first to shrink-wrap people’s brains and then as ceremonial shrouds to bury the dead. - Arundhati Roy
End Corporate Rule. Legalize Democracy. Move to Amend.