Fw: [EXTERNAL] FOSNA News February 24 - 28

From: "Khani Begum khani@PROTECTED [Northwest Ohio Peace Coalition]" <peacelist@PROTECTED>
In-Reply-To: (no subject)
Date: February 26th 2025

Khani Begum

From: Friends of Sabeel North America <friends@PROTECTED>
Sent: Tuesday, February 25, 2025 5:04 PM
To: Khani Begum <khani@PROTECTED>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] FOSNA News February 24 - 28

Upcoming Events

Human Rights, International Law, and Palestine

Thursday, February 27th @ 5:00pm

Join International Human Rights Attorney Jonathan Kuttab in-person at Northeastern University School of Law or virtually on Zoom for this talk, co-sponsored by Northeastern's Center for Public Interest Advocacy and Collaboration (CPIAC), and Center for Global Law and Justice (CGLJ).

Click the link below for in-person and virtual tickets.

Peter Beinart: Metro-Detroit Book Tour

March 10 & March 11

Join Tchiyah and FOSNA Michigan for two days of Peter Beinart events:

  • Monday, March 10 at 3 PM: University of Michigan, Rackham Amphitheater (4th Floor),  915 E. Washington St, Ann Arbor, in conversation with Prof. Juan Cole

  • Monday, March 10 at 7 PM: St David’s Episcopal Church, 16200 W. 12 Mile Rd, Southfield, in conversation with Rev. Chris Yaw 

  • Tuesday, March 11 at 12 noon: St. Matthew’s & St. Joseph’s Episcopal Church 8850 Woodward Ave, Detroit, in conversation with Abayomi Azikiwe

  • Tues, March 11 at 7 PM: Congregation T’chiyah / First United Methodist Church, 22331 Woodward Ave, Ferndale, in conversation with Rabbi Alana Alpert 

Learn more and register here.

VFHL Presents: Living with Zionism: Israel, Palestine, and the United States

Co-Sponsored by Friends of Sabeel North America (FOSNA) and Jewish Voice for Peace Boston

Sunday, March 16 @ 3:00pm ET / 12:00pm PT

While the ideology of Zionism has a long history, its manifestations today have resulted in severe injustices in Israel, Palestine, and the United States. In Israel, a Nation State law undergirds an apartheid reminiscent of 1930s Germany and Jim Crow America.  In the occupied West Bank, fanatical Zionist settlers live under civil laws, while Palestinians live under harsh military rule. In the United States, college administrators expel anti-Zionist student protestors, labeling them “anti-Semitic,” while Christian Zionists send millions in tax-free dollars to Israeli “charities” and support local, state, and federal laws that threaten Americans’ First Amendment rights.  Our Israeli, Palestinian, and American panelists will discuss the consequences of Zionism on the lives of ordinary people in the Holy Land

Watch the curated videos for free at your convenience (avaiilable after registering). | Join the Q&A discussion with:

Amira Musallam:  Christian peace activist; member, Unarmed Civilian Protection team in Palestine
Mimi Kirk:  Editor, Institute for the Study of Christian Zionism; Editorial Consultant, Al-Shabaka
Odeliya Matter:  Program Associate, Friends Committee on National Legislation; Co-Founder, Negev Media
Seth Morrison (Moderator):  Board Member, JVP Action; leader, Bay Area Jewish Voice for Peace

Take Action

We demand immediate action, accountability, and greater transparency from the International Red Cross (ICRC)

Prisoners released from the cease fire exchange show visible signs of torture on their bodies, underscoring the severe violation of their fundamental human rights. It has come to light through testimonies from these released detainees that they were subjected to brutal beatings and other forms of inhumane treatment  in the presence of ICRC representatives, leaving a stark question about the organization’s action, or lack thereof, in these critical moments.

The silence or inaction of the ICRC when it comes to these atrocities is unacceptable and raises concerns about the effectiveness of its advocacy for prisoner rights under occupation.  As an international human rights organization, the ICRC is mandated to monitor and intervene in situations where prisoners are being subjected to torture, degrading treatment, and unlawful detention.

Send a letter to the ICRC Delegation in Israel & Occupied territories with the link below.

Block the Confirmation of Mike Huckabee

The nomination of Mike Huckabee for US Ambassador to Israel has officially been sent to the Senate.

By all measures, Huckabee is an apocalyptic extremist with a long history of incendiary public statements and bigoted beliefs. Operating on the basis of a false, ahistorical worldview completely divorced from on-the-ground realities, his appointment would do nothing to secure peace, justice, or security for the peoples of the Holy Land or the wider region. Just the opposite, it has the potential for great harm.

Masquerading as a person of faith, Huckabee is beholden to a violent, theologically suspect, and long-discredited apocalyptic fatalism, at complete odds with the witness of scripture and the teachings of Jesus.

His Christian Zionist worldview is profoundly dehumanizing—simultaneously anti-Palestinian, Islamophobic, and antisemitic—as both Arabs of all religions and Jews are instrumentalized, reduced to pawns in the service of a pseudo-Christian End-Times fantasy: a cynical fantasy largely designed to sell books, secure votes, and solicit donations, as it works to discredit the international system and manufacture consent for extreme violence.

Casting Palestinians and Arabs as the enemies of God, Huckabee has called for ethnic cleansing in the West Bank, supports genocide in Gaza, and adheres to a worldview that openly demonizes humanitarian law and the international system. Yet even his support for Israeli Jews has little to do with their actual welfare but depends entirely upon the extent to which they serve his apocalyptic agenda, an agenda which embraces regional war and anticipates the widespread destruction of Arabs and Jews alike.

Block the Confirmation of Mike Huckabee.

Want to join a FOSNA/Sabeel witness trip?

Check out our delegations webpage here to learn about upcoming trips and fill out our general interest form here.


New Book Rooted in Faith and Justice: Christian Calls to Conscience & Cries for Peace in Palestine

Are you struggling to understand the complexities and injustices in Israel/Palestine? Rooted in Faith and Justice offers a powerful and enlightening perspective through the eyes of Palestinian Christian leaders and thinkers such as Rifat Odeh Kassis, Mira Rizeq, Rev. Prof. Mitri Raheb, Rev Dr Munther Isaac, Rev. Dr. Naim Ateek and Jonathan Kuttab.

Read: "Three Stories—One Lesson" by Jonathan Kuttab


Sabeel Prayer Service. Join Sabeel every Thursday (6pm Palestine) for online Bible Study, discussion, and prayer. Examine scripture in light of the ongoing realities confronting the Palestinian Church and the pursuit of Palestinian liberation.

Wave of Prayer. Subscribe to receive Sabeel's Wave of Prayer, enabling friends of Sabeel around the world to pray over issues of concern to the Holy Land on a weekly basis.

Kumi Now! Rise Up Together for Justice. Kumi Now is an online gathering every Tuesday (6pm Palestine) with a guest activist on the ground exploring issues of critical relevance to the Palestinian people and how you can get involved. Register here.


Friends of Sabeel North America · PO Box 3192, Greenwood Village, CO 80155, United States
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