Since October of 2023, thousands of protests and actions around the world have called for a ceasefire and end to Israel’s occupation of the West Bank and Gaza. In a day-by-day record of dissent, the Nuclear Resister has chronicled more than 9,000 arrests (and counting) in the U.S. and Canada on over 350 occasions across more than 125 cities and towns in 36 states and 5 provinces. Over 3,400 of these arrests have taken place on at least 70 university campuses. It marks the largest surge of anti-war arrests since mid-April, 2003, when the Nuclear Resister reported over 7,500 anti-war arrests in the U.S. alone in the lead-up to and first weeks of the second U.S. invasion of Iraq.
We know that despite our best efforts, we have undoubtedly missed related arrests that should be included. If you are aware of arrests related to ceasefire/anti-war protest not noted, please send us the information. Please also let us know of any substantial errors so that they can be corrected.
Finally, if you or someone you know about is jailed for anti-war actions, please let us know as soon as possible so that the news can be included on the Nuclear Resister website and in the next issue of the newsletter.
Felice & Jack Cohen-Joppa
Coordinators, the Nuclear Resister
the Nuclear Resister
"a chronicle of hope"
Felice & Jack Cohen-Joppa,
- Since 1980, information about and support for
imprisoned anti-nuclear and anti-war activists -
POB 43383
Tucson, AZ 85733
phone (520)323-8697
(Photo by David Solnit)