It's unfair of me to start this email thread with no suggestion, but I wanted to feel some sense of community around this first. One response is a great start, Terry! So if only we had Steve with us, right? We need to do a rally and march (sigh!). I mean, we feel demoralized, but still there has to be something on the street. And we need to find a way to get media attention for it.
A rally can be just a few people speaking from the steps of a public government building, right? Are there any public officials who might speak against the war? We need people to make the connection with the domestic economy, I think. I mean war with Iran will derail so many plans many of us would like to see go forward like Medicare for All, Green New Deal, free public college, etc. Domestic and foreign policy should not be kept in separate silos. Find speakers willing to make the local connection. (like Johnathan Ross on Medicare for All perhaps? or maybe Pete Gerken?) and see if that can get some media attention.
And, of course, our best passion comes from those whose hearts are breaking over the suffering we will visit on the people of Iran and surrounding countries. So we must have strong moral voices speaking at the rally. And definitely the deja vu thing!!! No new Gulf of Tonkin or WMD drama!
Let's start brainstorming, friends. There, Terry, now it's your turn!