Those who attended: Josie and Denny Setzler, Jeff Klein, Tom McDonald, Steve Miller, Jeff and Kellie Zenz, and Karen Wolf.
Josie suggested that on April 22 when we do our event linking the military destruction of Mother Earth to Earth Day that we walk from a place symbolizing war to a plant a tree location.
Steve thought starting at Teledyne, a company that makes engines for cruise missiles, and then planting a tree at Bowman Park would be a good plan.
Tom said maybe starting at the ROTC building at UT and planting a tree at Corpus Christi would also work, and perhaps more people would attend the event at this location.
Jeff Klein said that there is a Muslim Center near St. Andrews Church on Central that could be a place to plant a tree as well.
For our event we decided to hold it at 5:30 PM on Wednesday, April 22 which is Earth Day. The weekend before will be taken up with Nazi visits to Toledo, and many could not attend an event the next weekend.
We would also like to have Terry Lodge speak at the event outlining the connection between the military and the destruction of Mother Earth.
Jeff Klein will contact Terry about speaking.
Steve will make sure that Teledyne is still making engines for the missiles. And he will see if we can plant a tree at Bowman Park.
Tom will contact Corpus Christi asking if a tree can be planted on their land.
We will connect via e-mail by Friday, April 3 concerning these issues.
Anyone who was unable to attend the meeting and has suggestions, please chime in.
Notes taken by Karen Wolf
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